5 Key Benefits of Legacy Modernization

November 9, 2022

As the cost and efforts to maintain legacy systems become increasingly expensive, the need for legacy modernization has become more pressing. Outdated and obsolete legacy systems can no longer keep pace with the rapidly changing business landscape, leading to significant organizational challenges. Legacy modernization can help address these challenges by providing businesses with several key benefits.

As a result of the continued operation of old systems, several business challenges arise, including:

  • Technology that is outdated or obsolete and no longer serves its purpose

  • Older systems require dedicated and expensive skill sets

  • Documentation that is outdated, inaccurate, or incomplete

  • Lack of support for older software systems leading to compliance and operational risk

Nearly half of Fortune 500 CIOs believe that complex legacy technologies pose a significant barrier to the digital transformation of their organizations.

High maintenance costs, complexities affecting business continuity and reliability, and compliance issues are some of the significant drawbacks of relying on legacy systems.

By investing in legacy modernization, your IT departments can focus on helping your enterprise reach its full potential instead of wasting time on bug fixes and manual integrations among isolated arcane systems.

Here are just some of the major benefits of legacy modernization.

1. Reduced Complexity and Dependency

Outdated legacy systems often have a high degree of interdependencies, which can make them difficult to maintain and support. Enterprises are often reliant on a small group of people who has the know-how and understand the intricate details of legacy systems. This can lead to significant business risks. Modernizing these systems allows businesses to simplify their IT infrastructure, making it easier and less costly to maintain. Reducing dependencies can also improve business agility as enterprises are better able to respond quickly to changes in the market landscape.

2. Improved Business Agility

Businesses grow and change over time, and so does the complexity of legacy systems such as Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems. As enterprises navigate the ever-changing industry landscapes, their IT systems need to be able to adapt quickly to meet new demands.

It is usually quite difficult for companies to develop new products or features with legacy systems. With modern applications, it is easier to plan for the future, design, and launch new features and services swiftly.

Outdated legacy systems often cannot keep pace with changing business needs, leading to a loss in competitive advantage. Modernizing these systems can help businesses keep up with the competition by enabling them to rapidly deploy new features and functionality when needed.

3. Enhanced Security

Legacy systems often pose a significant security risk as they may not have been designed with today’s threats in mind. According to Symantec, outdated systems are highly susceptible to malware, data breaches, and other attacks. Lack of updates and support from vendors are the primary reasons behind such vulnerabilities of legacy systems.

By modernizing these systems, businesses can take advantage of the latest security technologies and practices, which can help protect against data breaches and other cybersecurity threats.

4. Better Compliance

Non-compliance to the laws and regulations costs hundreds of millions of dollars to enterprises every year. Legacy systems can make it difficult for businesses to comply with regulations as they may not have the necessary controls in place. In the case of legacy Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems, new data privacy laws such as GDPR or CCPA demand robust data governance policies and data lifecycle management practices to be in place.

With legacy systems, it is very hard to comply when requests from consumers with “Rights to be Forgotten” come knocking on your door. It is almost impossible to dig through all the “dark data” for contents and data objects containing personally identifiable information (PII) within legally allocated timeframes if you are still on legacy ECM systems.

Modernizing these systems can help businesses conform to industry regulations and standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance.

5. Reduced Cost

Enterprises migrating away from legacy systems are five times more likely to see a significant cost reduction. When more than 60% of the IT budget spending is on keeping the legacy systems running, it is easy to see why enterprises should modernize their legacy systems.

When Helix International helped Prudential to retire a legacy OpenText Documentum ECM system and migrate to a more modern solution, Prudential saved $5 million dollars in the first year alone and will save even more in the subsequent years.

Modernize Your Legacy Systems with Helix International

Helix offers a wide range of legacy modernization services, from Done-For-You, Done-With-You, to Do-It-Yourself, to cater to the needs of every enterprise. When it comes to legacy modernization and ECM migration, we are the industry leaders with 30 years of track record.

We have various options available when you want to migrate data. We have Full Migration, Adhoc Migration, Archive the Data and Use Helix Real Time Viewer (RTV), and Assisted Migration. All these services are executed using Helix International on and offshore staff 24/7/365.

The icing on the cake is a highly skilled global team consisting of over 80 ECM developers and data engineers —the reason why we have a 100% project success rate. Currently, we have over 500 enterprise clients to date, more than 70 active clients, and have migrated more than 1000 PB of data.

Do you have a need to modernize your legacy systems? Reach out to Helix International.

Managing both your archive and active content in one ECM efficiently

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